Sunday, March 27, 2011

Apps and Extensions Revisited: All About the Chrome Bandwagon

So TweetDeck was a massive #fail. (sorry, couldn’t resist!)

All in not lost though. A few weeks ago, my company decided to convert to Gmail for their email hosting. It was a difficult transition for some (they literally had to remove Microsoft Outlook from computers), but I was pleasantly surprised by the move. This was [very] largely due to the fact it was highly suggested we access our Gmail through Google Chrome. And Chrome = more insanely useful, why-didn’t-I-think-of-that apps! To make up for last week’s TweetDeck enthusiasm, check out these applications and extensions which really do deliver on the promise to make life a little easier:

IE Tab: Not interested in Google Chrome? Do you need Internet Explorer to access a particular site? No problem. This extension allows you to open a single IE tab in your Chrome browser. On to the next problem...

StayFocusd: Now that you have Chrome, all you want to do is browse and explore (and basically anything else that allows you to procrastinate from the task at hand)? This extension lets you set a time limit on certain websites. If you are an avid random searcher like myself, you can set up this up to allow only certain sites. Where has this been all my life? 

Google Quick Scroll: I know you can relate to those times when you are searching for something, only to find what appears to be a quality result. You click on the link and are brought to a page with 8 pt. font that seems to go on forever. And somewhere in there is the answer to your search. With Quick Scroll, you have the option of going directly to that point on the page. Yatzee!

I would offer more suggestions, but my time is about to run out! (Thank you StayFocusd.) I'd love to hear of any apps or extensions that have wowed everyone else-